Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We are the Children of Israel

We can claim our heritage because we are his spiritual children, not of the flesh.

We have been set free from slavery to sin by the miracles of God.

We have passed through the waters of baptism to be reborn as a nation with Jesus Christ as our King.

Ours is the manna, God’s word that satisfies our hunger.

We come to Jesus Christ and rest; keeping the sign of the Sabbath.

God’s Ten Commandments are carved on the tablets our hearts.

Our bodies are the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells; in which we pray and worship, and go about our Father’s business.

By faith we look to the lifted up cross to find healing from the venom of the serpent.

Though fire and desert may try us, we will accept God’s discipline and learn to depend and trust in Him to supply our every need.

We live under God’s protection; shielded from the heat of the day and the darkness by night.

Our garment of righteousness will not grow old, and the gospel of peace on our feet will not ware out.

Ours is the New Jerusalem; ours is the Promised Land.

The insiration for writing this is from this link. It's the end times delution link that didn't work a few blogs ago.

Monday, July 21, 2008

No Butterflies

I think this is all I have this year of butterflies, it seems like it's not their year. I'll have to be happy with the memories we made because I've only seen two big ones so far, and I've checked dozens of milkweed plants for any sign of the worms. I sure miss them.

Here is the clip I've been wanting to blog for over a year now, it was supposed to be part of the born again blog from last year. Thanks to Joni, WH, <3<3<3> here it is condensed. Enjoy!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Anyone who enjoys creation science will love this sight. Seminars, talks, debates... all here

Friday, July 4, 2008