Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Vows

Today is the day we consider the vows we made when we were baptized. Rod and I reread them this morning in preparation for the meal of remembrance. Here they are:

Before the prayer:

1. Do you recognize the teachings of Jesus, which have been laid before you, to be the truth and the true foundation of blessedness?
2. Do you believe in and agree with the twelve points of the Christian faith, and will you diligently witness to them?
3. Do you desire the intercession of the church so that God may forgive and remit the sins you have committed either knowingly or in ignorance?
4. Do you desire to yield, to give, and to sacrifice yourself to God the Lord in the covenant of Christian baptism?

After the prayer, each one is asked the following six questions while kneeling:

1. Have you now understood enough of the Word of the Lord to recognize it as the way to eternal life?
2. Are you sorry with all your heart for the sins you have committed against God, either knowingly or in ignorance? And do you henceforth want to fear God and never willfully sin against Him anymore, but rather die than willfully do anything against Him?
3. Do you believe that God, through Christ and the intercession of His people , has forgiven and remitted your sins?
4. Do you desire to accept brotherly admonition and discipline and also to use it toward others when necessary?
5. Do you desire to give and sacrifice yourself to the Lord in Heaven with body and soul and all that you have, and to yield yourself in obedience to Christ and His Church?
6. Do you desire to make a covenant with God and with all His people and to be baptized on confession of your faith?

Now that Easter is upon us we like to check ourselves and see that we are still keeping them. The hardest one for me besides keeping the faith is to use brotherly admonition. When I use it, my own house has to be clean, and I always have to keep my motives pure and humble. That's not easy, but it does serve to bring us closer to each other and to God.

There are no excuses to use before God because He sees into my heart and knows my deepest secret thoughts. It appears that if I don't keep my vows then I am a lier and Gods word says that the devil is the father of all who lie. This pretty much sobers us up at this time of year.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I finally finished my sign, it is carved into the wood. I've never tried carving before and it was an exciting venture.
The paint is acrylic and I hope it weathers well as it it is going outside. It has a few coats of varnish.
It's funny how I have trouble knowing when to stop paining, tossing the question "When is it good enough?????"

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Last week Rodney came in from work and joined me in the sewing room and asked me this question: "Nelda, Do you like it here?"

Well, first thing my fingers came up and I started counting.

#1 I have a wonderful husband who I can’t seem to get enough of.
#2 I have two lovely children, healthy, full of fun, and intelligent.
#3 I have more clothes then I can store.
#4 I have enough food to keep me slightly overweight.
#5 I have a huge house that I can barely maintain.
#6 I have a pretty healthy body and mind.
#7 My children still have grandparents on both sides of the family.
#8 I have some beautiful friends who refresh my spirit.
#9 I have the opportunity to spoil my kids with gifts if I so choose.
#10 The bank doesn’t own any of my possessions.

… I ran out of fingers, and those are only physical blessings. I would have to be ungrateful not to like it here. Counting my blessings can be a never ending task. It would be sinful if I had a case.

More important are always the spiritual blessings. So let me employ my toes for the job.

#1 I have God’s love, forgiveness and the promise of heaven.
#2 I have knowledge of the way.
#3 I have freedom to practice, preach, and learn God’s word.
#4 I have almost daily prayer meetings with the church.
#5 I have a preacher who teaches not only what I want to hear, but also walks before me as a good example.
#6 I have a voice that can be used to praise God with.
#7 I have a body of believers to help me should I fall into sin or get sick.
#8 I have the opportunity for good works and deeds that help the poor and blind.
#9 I have Gods spirit living in me the moment I was reborn.
#10 I have Jesus’ example of how to live and give my all.