Getting that wight stuff before Christmas and helping out with customs at the concert.
Cuddling with the kiddie.
Lost both of our Rabbits this year.
Hans' Birthday where we played Fox and Goose and nobody destroyed our tracks with a lawn mower this time, so it turned out great. We also had Jared and Mary's boys here for a long weekend and Branden (Lakeside)spent a lot of his summer here with our boys too.
Harvesting Ester's for charity.
Canning with Sharon, now that's one year I could do over again.
We had our little nefew over for a week while his mom was cooking, it was a pleasure, brother Dan's son.
Collecting butterflies and being inspired by them all over again every year.
Doing "Little Arrowes" with a sweet group of young girls at Carry's hulba, and joining Becks and Lowesa at their hulba. Also getting to witness Debra and James' wedding!!
Judas turned 8 and we unsuccessfully played fox and goose.
My brother, his wife, and girls came down from Alberta.
Melissa came in the spring and took some of the most beautiful kiddie pics you can find.
Boys swimming in Daddy's home made pool.
Spending some time at the Mendel sister's house, mega fun!!
Biking to Elm Creek with my friend Dora for an ice cream.
Reconnecting with my friend Carmen, was awesome!
Cakes forever!!
Watching someone you love fade away.
Watching a man and his dog bond.
New baby at Melinda's house, being in the Essenschool for her and having mom over.
New baby at Melinda's house, being in the Essenschool for her and having mom over.