Monday, July 5, 2010

Judas' 8Th birthday cake, we played a fox and goose hide and seek game with the kids. It didn't quite turn out, when the geese made their trail with shavings, the path was destroyed by the lawnmower that was making it's rounds that evening. My group spend an hour in the back a potato truck in a shed. No bad bugs, but a lot of the smaller kids needed to go every 5 min, but it turned out to be fun anyway. Judas is just taking the responsibility of mowing some lawns, he is doing good!!
Krista's birthday cake was a fun experience, it was my first with fondant. It would be a little nicer with a paler purple, but that's not bad for a first.

How's this for the most grossed out person on the colony? Funny that her girls were fighting over who gets the spider in the end.


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mh said...

That lawn mower cake is the coolest yet!

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul deybatut de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut, cu siguranta am sa mai revin o zi buna!

W.C.Camp said...

Those are beautiful cakes. I have never worked with fondant but it looks like you did fine. Honestly the first cake with the mower I don't like because it reminds me of what I have to do EVERY WEEK!
Keep baking! W.C.C.

Katze said...

good cake :)