I will learn to fight!!
I will use the shield and sword!!
I will knock, and it shall be opened to me!
I will ask, and it shall be given me!
I will seek, and I will find!
I will seek first the kingdom, and all these things shall be given unto me!!
I will not give up just because I don’t always live up to my own standards!!
After much prayer and pain, once I became silent and really listened, the Spirit convinces and convicts me.
He was sharpening His ax ready to chop off the large unsightly weed that I have allowed to grow in my heart.
“No” I begged, “There is a root under there; if you just cut off the weed, as soon as there is a new season it will spring up again and grow stronger yet. Bring shovels, uproot the whole blasted thing. I need a makeover, transform the whole landscape.”
So we go back and dig, what is under there? Back to Crystal Springs, back to Airport, back to my childhood. What made this weed grow and take root so deeply? What is feeding it?
It has found much nourishment from the past; the water of life has given it drink. Life has not been perfect from the time Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They were, in fact, the very first dysfunctional family; remember Cain and Able?
I cannot change the way things happened in the past, but I can change my reaction to them. So out comes the root.
“Wait, are you sure I won’t need this for something? Not even to keep me humble? Things are going to look a little different around here.”
It’s about time to get rid of it, there is plenty more work we must do. Leave the past and forget the things that are behind and reach forward for the things that are ahead.
So we covered up the gaping hole; spread the soil evenly over it, and planted some flowers. Today’s flowers and buried the past.
Now watch, Satan has many seeds lying in the ground just waiting for food. If one happens to spring up, tare it out while it is yet small lest I come again and find your garden in ruins. “For though we live in the world, we do not do battle as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Maybe now that I have considered the beam in my own eye, I will see more clearly to help my brother with his tiny little speck. Hypocrite is a very humbling word.
transform the "WHOLE"landscape you say. Nice. Leave nothing unturned. Let's ALL go and "transform" our gardens right now. You know Nelda, this is humble pie for dessert! Thank you it was bittersweet.
Dah shtoff ihs pretty good challenging, Nelda. Ober fei. :)
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