Be it e-mail, chat, or blogging, we are not free from our responsibility of admonishing our brothers in Christ. - Melinda Kleinsasser
My sister said I could quote her on that and here it is, I had a talk with her and we explored why our church frowns on public affection. One of the reasons is to be considerate to the unmarried among us, you would not want to wave food in front of a hungry person or to be a stumbling block to someone who is working hard to keep their thoughts pure, and so we do not flaunt our marriages or boyfriends. Unlike Hollywood we are responsible for each other.
In that case I will have to thank Anonymous and can only believe that it was meant well. To have someone admonish you means simply that you are cared for, and that that person has made himself uncomfortable to save you further shame and humiliation, or whatever the consequence of your situation.
There is another reason, and I have been studying this passage lately. The place in the bible where it talks about those who are married should be as though they were not, and it goes on to say that those who morn should be as if they didn’t and the same for those who rejoice or sell. Its main point seems to be that we should let Jesus be our #1, our all, our first priority. So…..will you look at who is the king of Butterflyhouse. We serve a jealous God and He longs for us to set our affection on the things that are above not the things of the earth. So I hereby dethrone Rodney and crown the Lord God of Israel, KING OVER ALL.
Nelda,you'r amazing.I know what you're saying,but I still had a good laugh.How does that make Rodney feel?I really enjoy your blog. p.s.(hogmen are speial.) Judy
smile, smile, blush, blush, wink. Nel
I'm single I think I qualify to leave a comment on this topic.... Married folk don't be fooled! We single gals can always tell the fakes from the real thing!!! And I don't mind at all to see some genuine loving affection between a married couples! But I end up squirming when I'm around a couple that is "fohshtehling" themselves!
nicely said! good job Nelda
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