Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Visiting We went to Fairholme for a visit last week to see Jen and Derek, we had a lovely time. Their kids sure are growing fast and ever sweeter. Emily is 5 now and feels quite proud.

We were also at the old folk’s home with the kids singing for the aged. It was a pleasure to do once more and we met some nice folks.

In the snow We had a little boys dream party in the snow the other day, we built a couple of snow forts and had a blast, really, we tried blasting each other with snowballs and hitting each other’s fort. We had to be down for a minute if we got hit so we had a wonderful time pretending.

Rodney has been out a few times with his dog sledding with a sled attached to Taiga. She gives the kids rides and they love it. We may be keeping one of his pups but Rodney is not sure yet. There she is with the pick of the litter.

The children all had a lovely time sliding down on Rodgers Hill today, this was a first for Judas and he was so excited. It was a “Two more sleeps to the big day” kind of thing. There is a cable that pulls them back up so he is all tiered out and will have an early night tonight.

V- Day We are planning a Valentine’s Day party with the Sunnyside ladies. We will have a silent auction at their colony if the Lord is willing. You know what my honey will be doing? Babysitting! How romantic!

1 comment:

Dianna said...

That is so nice that you were [are] able to go out visiting or just to be an inspiration to others. The sledding part looks like fun. Enjoy your little ones and treasure the moments with them it really is true when the wise say they grow up so fast. Would love to see more pics of your little guys. We are having a Valentine's Pary [the couples] also. It's out first. Ever since I married here I wanted to do that here also come Val's day this year the yp surprised us with sheming something. We are looking forward to seeing what they will become of it all. Reminds me of back home.... Blessings my dear. May the Lord shine upon you!