Friday, May 29, 2009

Last season pics

Not Cronologic

Boys in winter

New additions to family

Bench at park that Rod made for my birthday.

Had very special friends over for my birthday, they brought me bright tulips and carnations. It was my aunt Lana and her two beautiful daughters, Sonya and Debra.

Slapped a cake together for B-day.
These are my two treasures.
Thanks Deb for the pic
Boys at my house got me some flowers for Mothers Day.
Elisha play at the school.
Sonya this is for you, who helped make the alter.
Happy with it??

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Look what I found!

WWOOOWW!! Ask God for a little wisdom and He just pores it on you. You have to read this if the past post spoke to you in any way. It is a quiz as to how humble we are in our relationships. My friend and cousen Selma always talked about brokenness and I never really know that it was just another word for humility. Here is the link.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pride or Humility

My faults humility
I’ve been exploring the difference between real and faults humility. Since Jesus was washing feet with a towel and basin at the last supper, I’ve been asking about what it really means in that light. Here are some of my ideas, and I sure wish that you would add or take away according to your wisdom.

The inability to take a complement

Constant need to mention good deeds, even when no one asks

Rejecting help, service, or gifts

Putting myself down

Criticizing others to try to make myself look better

Ranking jobs

Doing good to be seen by others

Real humility

Realizing my desperate need for God

Being obedient and able to be led

Realizing my own weakness

Giving others the chance to fail