Wednesday, November 7, 2007


So how do you tell from a skeleton if it’s a man or woman? The woman’s jaw is slightly more warn.

The wedding was strangely uninspiring, I guess because I missed the sermon and was more involved in the fun part of the entertainment. You know with all the kitchen work you get kind of busy, and there’s not so much social time either. It was a pleasure seeing the Acadia women again and working with them, but I never was a Martha. I can play her part, but not quite with all my heart though ‘Ich mus mich zwingen’ so that I don’t fall too hard on the lazy side. In truth I would rather sit with Mary and have my sole and spirit fed.

My friend Sonya stayed after the wedding for almost a week to give me a hand at making a much needed bed. It turned out awesome with my mother-in-law teaching us how. Sonya has a real eye for color so she designed a jean rug to complement it. We had a wonderful time jabbing over many a cup of strong coffee. Melissa is also here for a week at Melinda’s to help out with her sewing so we are celebrating sister month (whenever that is) in a real personal way.

I watched My Secret Garden over again for the third time in my life, and I think I finally got it (minus the whitchcraft, always spoils a good movie). When we get to know each other and relate, we can get a glimpse of the other person’s inner beauty. We can walk in their secret garden and discover the beautiful flowers that grow there. We can share or scatter seeds and even help with the weeding.


Dianna said...

Nelda: In all honesty, every time you post something I don't remember ever coming away from one of your post either feeling more challenged over something or truly and genuinely blessed!! Keep on praising!!

Anonymous said...

I love the bed. Very eye catching. Yellow and blue compliment each other extremley well!
As for your blogs! They are sooo good! I too feel challenged each time I read them! May the God of hope give us the strenght to meet these challenges head on and win! God Bless!